E-Government for Society

 on Wednesday, September 17, 2014  

E-Government is electronic government. E - Government commonly known as e - gov, digital government, online government or government transformation. E-Government is an effort to develop electronic-based governance. 

An arrangement of system management and work processes within government to optimize the utilization of information and communication technology or E -Government is the use of information technology by the government to provide information and services with citizens, businesses, and other matters relating to the administration. 

e -Government can be applied to the legislative, judicial, or public administration, to improve internal efficiency, deliver public services, or processes of democratic governance.

There are three models of delivery of e–government:
a. Government - to- Citizen or Government - to- Customer (G2C)
The delivery of public services and information in one direction by the government to the public , allows the exchange of information and communication between the community and the government, G2C example : Tax online, looking for work, social security services , personal documents ( Birth and marriage certificate, Passport Application, Licence Steering ) , immigration services, Health services, scholarships, disaster relief.

b. Government - to-Business (G2B)
Is the electronic transaction in which the government provides a variety of information needed for businesses to transact with government? In order to make products and services marketing to the government to help governments become more efficient through improved business processes and electronic data management. Applications that facilitate interaction G2B and B2G are an e -procurement system.

Example: Company tax, Business Opportunities, Company registration, government regulations (Business Law), auctions and sales are carried out by the government, patents, trademarks, etc.

c. Government -to -Government (G2G)
Do allow make communication and online information exchange between departments or government agencies through an integrated database?

Example: Consultation online, blogging for the legislative, online education, service to the community in an integrated manner.

Advantages of E -Government for Society

1. Services better service to the community. Information provided 24 hours, 7 days week, without having to wait for the opening of the office. Information can be sought from the office, home, so you don’t need to come to administration office.

2. Improved relationships between government, businesses, and general public, the openness (transparency), it is expected that the relationship between the various parties become better. This openness eliminates suspicion and resentment on all sides.
3. Society empowerment through information easily obtained. With sufficient information, the public will learn to be able to make their choice.
Keyword: E-government, society, technology, internet.
E-Government for Society 4.5 5 Darto Iwan Wednesday, September 17, 2014 e Gov, e-gov, E Government, E-Government is electronic government. E - Government commonly known as e - gov, digital government, online government or government transf...


  1. Now technology can be used by people to manage their live, include government. I hope this can be wise for next generation. :D

    1. Yeap, government must use this technology to manage and support their services for citizens.

  2. kapan ya terakhir kali saya ikutan kuliah e-goverment... Hehe

    e-gov bukan sekedar menggunakan komputer dan internet di kantor pemerintah tapi bagaimana tools tadi bisa dioptimalkan sebagaimana mestinya. :)


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